
Drama, Romance, Magical Realism / Director: Krit Komkrichwarakool / 20 minutes

A married couple examines an unusual phenomenon when they discover a special ability during an intimate moment.

Bottle Service

Psychological, Thriller, Drama / Creator: Amara Kremblewski / 9 minutes

In the glamorous but ruthless world of luxury nightlife, a bottle service girl teeters between reality and chaos as her darker alter ego emerges during blackouts, exacting violent revenge on those who wrong her, forcing her to confront the trauma that blurred the lines between who she is and who she’s becoming.

The Loneliest Boy in the World

Psychological, Drama / Directed by Nano Clow / 17 minutes

As the last person on earth, a young man faces off against his greatest enemy: his own thoughts.

Lost Beneath the Stars

Comedy, Drama / Directed by Dani Alvarado & Michael Kofsky / 17 minutes

Returning from a less-than-glamorous promo gig in Las Vegas, two down-on-their-luck LA actresses are forced to face their personal and professional insecurities through a series of unexpected obstacles, questionable characters, and events.

The Gift

Drama, Magic Realism / Directed by Pauls Dombrovskis / 10 minutes

A neglected boy uses his unusual talent to bring his despondent mother joy.